How hylobiz is helping SMEs get back to business after COVID-19

2 min readJul 18, 2020


How hylobiz is helping SMEs get back to business after COVID-19

The economic tsunami unleashed by Covid-19 has created “new challenges” for the SME community. The effects seem endless with the whole value chain struggling to sustain amid the crisis. With so many business sectors severely challenged — the government is releasing support packages, banks are offering extension of EMI moratorium, technology provider offering a month/two free services.

The global pandemic has hit the RESET button in SME’s lives, we are witnessing a new way the work gets executed. There is a change in employer/employee relation and how the overall business ecosystem would look like.

While the pandemic may have brought down all your sales figures, profits, and revenues, but don’t you think you learned a lesson — the best crisis management lesson. Its time to wipe the slate clean restrategize, reconfigure, replan, retire and rescale to a newer growth of “new normal”. And Hylobiz can help you. Read on to find out -How?

As per IDC, here are the five stages of how SME’s can transition using technology to the next normal. The below row depicts the economic situation and the parallel row advises on what the business should focus on. So for example when COVID crisis is continuing, the business should look for measures to keep their BAU by maybe offering a solution at reduced cost or offering a 7-day trial or maybe including free shipping.

The depiction is a great way to structure your business in this challenging time. And we will see how Hylobiz can aid to each of the stages.

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