How is a Good Business Score Important for your Business

Good Business Score help business diagnoses their strengths and weakness while supporting tracking transactions in real-time.

2 min readNov 9, 2022
Good Business Score at Hylobiz

The Good Business Score (GBS) is a reliable tool for assessing the performance of a business. GBS helps to identify areas of businesses that can be focused on in terms of expansion, growth, and healthy cash flow. India’s strength lies in the backbone of 60 million Micro Small and Medium Enterprises.

Hylobiz’s Good Business Score (GBS) gives you a 360-degree view of your business in real-time. Easy loan application and smooth cash flow are advantages of using GBS. GBS can help you maintain good business health and show you are paying back loans on time.

Hylobiz is a B2B Fintech platform supporting businesses to automate their invoicing, collection, cash management, and reconciliation processes. The automated solution help businesses manage their business health and analyze their business score to increase efficiency. With GBS you can make informed decisions for your day-to-day operational activities.

Businesses can receive a real-time assessment of the dependability of their supply chain partners. Hylobiz also offers user-friendly e-invoice and e-way services and assists businesses with GST compliance management. Get your business score to avail yourself of a chance to promote your credibility in business circles.

Sign up now to have healthier financial flows, better customer experiences, and higher returns on investment.

Get your business score to avail yourself a chance to promote your credibility in business circles and to win better trade and borrowing terms.

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